summer light

summer light

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

The Princess

I once met a girl that was beautiful in every way. She was a princess. Her long wavy hair flashed reflections in the sun. Her eyes were charmingly big followed by a delicate mouth that was of a perfect shape. She floated through streaming corridors at school and spoke in expressive words. She was always noticed, not only for her words  but her presence.

Each of her flaws made her more perfect every second of everyday. Each glance was a dagger in my beating heart. Each kiss was eternity. The girl never knew how special she was to me. The tragic story is yet to complete.

A new prince has galloped into her kingdom. She is no longer my princess. But she will always be in my heart as the girl with long wavy hair with charming big eyes and a perfect delicate mouth who made me the happiest girl in the world.

Thus, I am happy.

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